Monday, 4 May 2015

United we stand divided we fall

Just like in the game of relay race, each of the athletes needs to contribute towards passing on the baton to the next person on time in order to win the race and achieve the goal; similarly it is important in a team (the builders and developers in the context of real estate industry) for each member to contribute at an individual level to raise the team and help all achieve the common goal of the team. Hence, team effort helps you stand united and if divided, the output is affected.

CREDAI NASHIK is one such team of builders and developers in Nashik which believes in working together as a team along with the industries and the government in order to provide affordable homes or, in other words, decent homes for the residents of the city.

Now, that the city is developing at a faster pace to emerge as one among the IT hubs of India, Nashik’s real estate sector also needs to be enhanced. According to the team of CREDAI Nashik the city grows with the growth of the people in all aspects and to bring about this change, a home is the ideal place to begin with.

To most of us a home has many memories and moments attached to it.Many of us are staying in homes that we do not own. But, among all of us who all are actually aware of all the practical, economical and emotional aspects attached to it? Not all of us know. These aspects come into play when we think of buying a property or invest in property.

CREDAI NASHIK connects with this thinking of the common man. CREDAI Nashik has been at the forefront to protect the interests of the developers and as well as the customers. CREDAI NASHIK believes the liasioning with the government authorities and the local body is their prime responsibility towards its members which they have been doing gracefully ensuring the transparency in the deals and integrity in their operations towards their customers and society. When asked the president of CREDAI Nashik about the perception of the builders, he replied explaining how CREDAI Nashik has been working effectively in bringing professionalism in the trade with an aim to bring about a qualitative change in the perception of the construction community.

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